
70% of individuals who are navigating mental health also experience chronic physical conditions. demonstrating the interconnectedness of mind and body. Wellnest embraces this connection, reimagining therapy with a holistic approach.

  • Responsive Web MVP Design

  • User Research, UXUI, Branding

  • Figma

Our Problem

Many individuals seeking mental health support struggles to find comprehensive care that addresses the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. The current “mental health only” therapy model often leaves gaps in addressing the full spectrum of well-being.

70% of individuals with mental health conditions report experiencing at least one chronic physical health condition, like heart disease, diabetes, or arthritis. This highlights the strong link between our physical and mental health. Additionally, research shows that chronic inflammation, gut microbiome imbalances, sleep disturbances, and even vitamin deficiencies can contribute to mental health symptoms like depression and anxiety.

Our Goal

Wellnest bridge this gap by offering a holistic approach to therapy. Matching users with qualified holistic therapists who consider the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the overall health and wellness.

By leveraging A.I. and health data analytics, Wellnest personalizes the therapy experience, providing users with a comprehensive view of their health and potential connections between their physical and mental wellbeing. This goes beyond traditional mental healthcare, empowering individuals to achieve holistic wellbeing.

The Rise of Holistic Solutions

The traditional “mental health only” approach is giving way to a new wave of holistic solutions driven by:

Scientific Evidence

Research increasingly demonstrates the interconnectedness of mind and body, highlighting the impact of physical health on mental health and vise versa.

Patient Demand

Individuals are seeking a different approach to care that addresses their unique needs and preferences, recognizing the role of physical factors in their mental wellbeing.

Technological Advancements

A.I. and telehealth trend and technology are enabling personalized care and remote access, making holistic solutions more accessible and convenient.

...Predicts that the global telehealth market will reach $634 billion by 2027, signifying the growing adoption of remote healthcare solutions
— Accenture Report 2023
73% of adults believe mental and physical health are connected, and 69% are interested in holistic treatment approaches.
— American Psychological Association 2022 Survey

By empowering individuals to take charge of their mental health and providing access to qualified holistic therapists, personalized insights, and a comprehensive view of their health, it is possible to illuminate the cohesion between physical and mental aspects, revealing a clearer path towards a healthy living.


Highlights of User Interviews

“…I’m exhausted all the time, my stomach is never happy, and with the kids draining my energy all day, it’s a bad combo. My doctor just called it anxiety and gave me medication for it, but it made me feel like a zombie, unable to function regularly, it’s effecting my life and career tremendously.
I just want an alternative

— M.G.

“Physical and mental health is important to me, but I’m a busy mom. It’s hard to navigate my family’s health and mine all scattered. I want a solution that can simplify things for me and fit my crazy schedule.”

— C.L.

“The stigma around mental health makes it hard to admit I need help. And the process of finding a therapist is just overwhelming. There’s either too much or too little information about them, I never know if they’ll be a good fit, who they are and how our sessions will be like. It’s just easier to put it off, even though I know I need to do something. That first step of booking feels like a mountain to climb.”

— K.F.

User interviews revealed a deep desire for a holistic, supportive, and approachable mental health service, both first-time seekers and the experienced. Mentions of “the stigma and the process are overwhelming”, and “I want an alternative to medication”, highlight the need for de-stigmatizing access and holistic solutions. This suggests the service should go beyond generalized therapist profiles and create a comprehensive, welcoming experience for individual navigating mental health challenges.

Affinity Mapping

User interviews and subsequent affinity mapping painted a clear picture of what therapy seekers yearn for: clarity, convenience, and a holistic approach. The mapping provided a clear direction for transparent therapist profiles, as well as reducing stress for the process. For health integration, there were indications of a possibility in integrating primary care physicians and the therapist.

From this round of affinity mapping, I’ve raised questions such as:

“What does this look like?”

“What’s the best way for PCP (Primary Care Physician) and MHP (Mental Health Practitioner, or Therapist) to connect”

“Does the patient see the conversation between PCP and MHP?”

From these questions, I’ve gathered that more research is needed to see the if it is feasible to integrate PCP and MHP for the journey in developing Wellnest.

Challenge & Solution

With the possibility of integrating primary care physicians directly into the platform, I’ve explored for options with a SWOT analysis, which revealed this was overly ambitious, and it may morph the project scope away from mental health focused service.

Instead, with the SWOT analysis, I’ve found focus on integrating health data from existing apps like sleep trackers and fitness apps, offering a feasible and impactful solution that aligns with user needs for a holistic perspective within mental wellness. I’ve also found additional opportunities with A.I. chatbot integration to assist with matching of therapists, personalization and managing user expectations and real time interactions (especially important for users looking for mental health support). And a dashboard to integrate the health data and other information such as appointments and additional resources, thereby resolving the need for users looking for a integrated overview of their wellness in one setting.

Strategic Marketing Position: By concentrating on health data integration, Wellnest could position itself strategically in the market, offering a distinctive feature that sets it apart from competitors while addressing a key user need that was both attainable and valuable.

User Personas

Persona #1

The first persona is someone who already has experience with therapy, but have not found the solution that meets the criterias.

Name: Olivia Miller
Occupation: Marketing Manager
Location: Austin, TX
Marital Status: Married with 1 child (age 2)

Value & Beliefs

  • Prioritizes family wellbeing

  • Values preventative care and natural solutions, seeking alternatives to medication whenever possible

  • Recognizes the mind-body connection

Health Concerns

  • History of depression, with recent depressive symptoms returning

  • Physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, and digestive issues with no clear medical explaination

  • Diagnosed with anxiety and depression by primary care doctor, but medication worsened her symptoms

Triggers & Life Events

  • History of personal and family challenges (job loss, grief, relationship issues) that were not addressed due to busy schedules

  • Feeling overwhelmed and unsupported, leading to increased symptoms


  • Difficulties addressing her own needs due to prioritizing family and career demands

  • Frustration with unexplained physical symptoms and lack of answers from traditional medicine

  • Physical symptoms’ intensity increases with or without reason

  • Feeling out of control over her body and mind

  • Overwhelmed by the abundance of resources and unsure which ones are reliable

  • Balancing the cost and time commitment of holistic approaches with family responsibilities

Needs & Expectations

  • Ability to find qualified & trustworthy holistic practitioners who specialize in treating depression and anxiety

  • Personalized recommendations and insights based on her needs and medical history

  • Resources and tools that fit into her busy schedule and are affordable for her family

  • A platform that integrates mental health and holistic care

Goals & Motivations

  • Manage symptoms and understand the reason behind the connection of physical and mental

  • Improve overall wellbeing and be fully present for her family

  • Feel empowered to advocate for her health and make informed decisions about her treatment plan

Persona #2

The second persona is someone who is fairly new to therapy. Has booked a therapist a few times but is not satisfied about the process.

Name: Robert Zhang
Occupation: Graphic Designer
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Marital Status: Single

Value & Beliefs

  • Starting to see the need to prioritize mental health and wellbeing, seeking treatments to improve his mental state

  • Values information clarity and transparency on therapy process and therapist qualifications

  • Recognizes the mind-body connection

Health Concerns

  • Attempting to manage ongoing anxiety, experiencing recent recurrence of symptoms

  • Physical symptoms include fatigue, headaches, dizziness, blurry eyes and digestive issues

Triggers & Life Events

  • Stress and burnout from career responsibilities, notices imposter syndrome

  • Challenges in relationship, adding to overall stress and emotional burden


  • Feeling overwhelmed by a large number of mental health support options and unsure how decide on one

  • Anxiety about confidentiality and privacy

  • Discomfort of talking to a stranger, with difficulty building a trusting relationship

Needs & Expectations

  • Clear information on therapy types and qualifications before committing to booking

  • Want an easy to use platform for booking and managing appointments, as well as a process that can help reduce the anxiety

  • Prefers therapists with specific qualifications or specialties related to their struggles

  • Desires resources and features that are less anxiety-inducing and promote a smooth experience

Goals & Motivations

  • Wants to organize thoughts and hold himself accountable through therapy

  • Seeks feedbacks and clarity from the therapist with his/her case studies and/or personal experiences

  • To feel truly accepted and supported

Scope of Work